5 questions with Dallas Woodburn (MFA’13), author of The Best Week that Never Happened
What inspired you to be a writer?
It’s difficult for me to remember a time before I loved writing; I gobbled up books from an early age. My dad is a writer, and I often saw him working, so I knew the books I loved didn’t just appear like magic — a real person actually wrote them.
Do you enjoy helping others with their writing?
I’m passionate about empowering others. I teach workshops and online programs for kids and teens through my organization Write On! Books, and I help adults give birth to the stories beating within their hearts as a book coach.
Did the plot of your new novel unfold as you wrote?
I had an image for an important scene at the end, and I knew the central idea, but everything else was a mystery. It was exciting to discover as I went along. I found the confines of the story structure to be helpful — it takes place over a week, and I had never written a novel with such a tight timeline.
What do you hope readers take away from the story?
I hope it’s an escape and a solace during these stressful times and inspires people to live each day to the fullest, appreciate the beautiful things in life, and love with brave fullheartedness.
What are you working on currently?
I recently launched a podcast called Overflowing Bookshelves, and I interview an author every week. It’s been such a fun endeavor! I’m also working on my next young adult novel.