Purdue Alumnus

Peter Limon
Lamp Lady

Name: Peter Alexis Limon

Gig: Lighting technician

Years on the job: 21

On duty: Maintain light fixtures in Zone 3 on the north end of campus, including athletic facilities, many engineering buildings, and the Northwestern parking garage.

What’s in a name: My parents named me Merribelle but nicknamed me Pete from birth. When I was 24, I attended a show at Elliott Hall of Music and was paged over the intercom “Marie Belly.” After that, I had my name officially changed to Peter. 

Life happens: When I first started working at Purdue, I took a position as a third-shift custodian. My husband filed for divorce, and I needed a job. When the position on the lamp crew came open, I applied for it. I didn’t have any experience. They didn’t tell the hiring manager I was a woman. He just saw the name Peter on the application. When he met me, his jaw dropped. The second day on the job, they gave me a tool belt, and there you go. 

Never grow old: I’ll be 72 in May, with no plans to retire as long as I can physically do the job. I push my cart all over campus. The students are so helpful. They’ll help push or hold open doors. 

What I love: Making the lights come on. People are so amazed. Everywhere you walk, there is something around you, above you, or beneath you that is a light I have worked on.