Is the campus model close to becoming an artifact? In 1957, the Department of Facilities Planning and Engineering pursued the idea of a physical campus model to give visitors an overview of the Purdue campus and surrounding community. At a price of $12,500, the model was built and installed in the Great Hall of the Purdue Memorial Union.
The concept was modern, and the model over time began to morph into more than a physical representation. It became a meeting place for students, a starting point for tours, and a favorite stop for alumni visiting campus. Even today, the model is a way for alumni to symbolically relive their Purdue experiences without having to traverse the campus, according to Bob Mindrum, director of the Purdue Memorial Union.
“They seem to particularly enjoy showing their children and grandchildren where they lived and attended classes when they were students and what has changed since they graduated,” he says.
Over the last 58 years, the model has been enhanced and renovated as needed. A new base was constructed in 1976, and a new glass case was purchased by the Class of 1995. As new buildings went up and old buildings came down, the model was updated to reflect the evolving campus — that is until recently. The last update to the model was made in 2007 or 2008, and now the model stands with many new campus features missing.
The model can be updated, but it is reasonable to pause and ponder. With the rate of progress, is it fiscally responsible to continue updating the model? Can an interactive display serve the same purpose? Or has the model risen to the status of university icon and should be preserved for future generations of Boilermakers to enjoy? The Office of Physical Facilities is currently taking all of these perspectives under consideration as it reviews different options and associated costs.