Purdue Alumnus


Name: Charlie Huelsenbeck (A’15)

Gig: Assistant Manager, Beef Unit, Animal Sciences Research and Education Center (ASREC)

Years on the job: Three

On duty: Part of team that manages a herd of 400 to 800 head of cattle between two Purdue-owned farms, including breeding and calving. We assist with feedlot and genetic research projects.

Home on the range: There are five houses at ASREC, three for the beef unit. So I actually live out here on the farm. I enjoy it, especially in the summertime. I’ll come out to the pasture and watch the calves. I can evaluate our cattle to determine future mating decisions. 

Always on call: During calving season, we have student employees check cows every three hours. If there’s an emergency and we need to assist with a birth, I usually get that first phone call because I can be there in less than five minutes. 

Wandering graze: Sometimes the cows get out. This past fall, a sheriff knocked on my back door after dark because there was a cow out along the side of US 231.  

What I love: The opportunity to interact with students. I get to work with them as employees on the farm, but I also get to work with them as students. A lot of time, they learn by doing. It’s fun to see it click when they experience real-world application of their knowledge.