Purdue Alumnus

Michael Clark
Michael Clark: Author, Motivational Speaker, Evangelist

Michael Clark (T’84), author of the daily devotional book U-Turn, Now! is a Flint, Michigan native. While attending Purdue, he became a member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity. He later earned his master’s in theological studies and pastoral care at Liberty University.

“I enjoyed every day at Purdue because of the many challenges I encountered,” reflected Clark. “Purdue prepared me to think past what I knew growing up in Flint, to the world of possibilities that were right in front of me.”

Clark is a former pastor and ministry leader. His experiences led him to assignments in numerous ministries and community services — even as far away as China! He has worked in sales, logistics, and IT at Fortune 500 companies such as Cardinal Health, Coldwell Banker, General Motors, Proctor and Gamble, and Remax.

Clark says his ability to adapt to a variety of industries and manage multiple projects concurrently stems from his time as a student worker in food service at the Purdue Memorial Union.

“It was a great experience because I met so many interesting people,” said Clark. Highlights included international students, corporate executives on campus for recruiting events, visiting sports teams — even the university president!

“My experience helped me to be a better time manager since I worked and attended school full time.”

When asked for what advice he would offer current students, Clark encouraged people to “never close your mind to positions that will require you to do more than what you learned in the classroom. Use each position as the stepping stone to grow and find success. I started out in IT, then moved into sales, then marketing, logistics, ministry, and then finally to being an author. Work hard and discover your life purpose!”

Above all, Clark is most proud of being a husband, father, grandfather, brother, and confidant. “My constant desire and purpose,” said Clark, “is to move people from where they currently are to their God-given purpose and destiny.”